Oct 10, 2013

Kuwait Projects 2013

Exploring the latest project developments in Kuwait’s mega projects sector

The MEED Kuwait Projects 2013 conference is the definitive event of the year for all those seeking opportunities and solutions to challenges throughout Kuwait’s oil, gas, electricity, water, transport, housing and basic infrastructure sectors. It is designed to address the latest developments & business opportunities associated with the State’s mega projects as well as transfer global best practice on how Kuwait can successfully deliver its ambitious capital expenditure plans.

Key themes for Kuwait Projects 2013

  • Kuwait’s oil and gas strategy and vision for energy and sustainable development over 5-10 years
  • Kuwait’s new 5 year masterplan 2014-2019 and over-arching budget targets
  • Kuwait in the political and economic context of global energy markets and gas shale revolution
  • Transferring effective megaproject delivery around the world to Kuwait
  • Public procurement in Kuwait - The PTB breakthrough project: Al-Zour North and developments in the Kuwait public procurement model
  • The Ministry of Public Works and PAHW project programme
  • The Kuwait Municipality project programme
  • The KPC project delivery model: setting the pace for the Kuwait project industry
  • The Amiri Diwan project delivery experience
  • The delivery challenge: capacity expansion in Kuwait projects sector
  • Kuwait’s new foreign investment code and companies law
  • Financing megaprojects in Kuwait: the challenges and opportunities